2 Ikuspegiak
Prithvi Vallabh

Prithvi Vallabh

2 Ikuspegiak
A tale of two powerful states, constantly at war. Mrinal of Manyakheta dynasty, nursed an enmity against Malwa since her childhood, as they were responsible for her parents death. The battle brings two warring souls; Mrinal and Prithvi face-to-face. The animosity leads to deception, and rejection, that gradually transcends into a heart rending, passionate love story. A Love Story perhaps never meant to be






Iraupena: 45:14 minutu

Kalitatea: HD

Lehen aireko data: Jan 20, 2018

Azken Air data: Jun 30, 2018

Atala: 45 Atala

Denboraldia: 1 Denboraldia

IMDb: 10

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