197 Ikuspegiak
R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour

R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour

197 Ikuspegiak
R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour is a Canadian/American original anthology horror-fantasy series, with episodes each half an hour long. The series is based on The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It Movie, and the books The Haunting Hour and Nightmare Hour anthology by R. L. Stine.

Generoa: ,





Iraupena: 25:14 minutu

Kalitatea: HD

Lehen aireko data: Oct 29, 2010

Azken Air data: Nov 29, 2014

Atala: 76 Atala

Denboraldia: 4 Denboraldia

IMDb: 2.9

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