2 Baxışlar
Whichever Way the Ball Bounces

Whichever Way the Ball Bounces

2 Baxışlar
This show is located in the picturesque Oštrovac, a village on the edge of the national park. Katarina, Tomislav and Krešo will get a million euros from his grandfather - but only if they spend a year in his ruined house in Oštrovac. Otherwise, the money belongs to the locals.

İş vaxtı: 60:14 dəqiqə

Keyfiyyət: HD

İlk hava tarixi: Sep 15, 2014

Son yayım tarixi: Jun 07, 2016

Bölüm: 350 Bölüm

Mövsüm: 2 Mövsüm

IMDb: 1