60 Baxışlar


60 Baxışlar
While attending a Hollywood premiere with a famous action star, a crazed fan pulls a gun—but her movie hunk turns into a coward, and it's Vallery who becomes the hero. Suddenly, she's thrown into a world of action and danger as owner of a Hollywood protection agency, Vallery Irons Protection (V.I.P.), taking risks to protect others at a price few are willing to pay.

İş vaxtı: 45:14 dəqiqə

Keyfiyyət: HD

İlk hava tarixi: Sep 26, 1998

Son yayım tarixi: May 18, 2002

Bölüm: 88 Bölüm

Mövsüm: 4 Mövsüm

IMDb: 5.783

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