The story revolves around high school girls who discover the appeal of motorcycles. Sakura Hane is a high school student who looks a little bit like an airhead. On the way to her all-female high school one day, she is worn-out climbing a hilly road with a bicycle, but she sees a girl named Onsa Amano who is riding a motorcycle. Sakura immediately becomes interested in motorcycles, and she and Onsa join the motorcycle club at the school. Then, Sakura sets out to get her license.

የስራ ጊዜ: 25:14 ደቂቃዎች

ጥራት: HD

የመጀመሪያ የአየር ቀን: Apr 05, 2016

ያለፈው የአየር ቀን: Jun 21, 2016

ክፍል: 12 ክፍል

ወቅት: 1 ወቅት

IMDb: 5.5