Joana Ferreira

Joana Ferreira was born in Lisbon in 1973. She is managing director and producer at C.R.I.M. She studied Anthropology at Lisbon's Universidade Nova. She has been working in film production of prestigious Portuguese fiction feature films since 1998. She developed and financed cinema projects as a production manager. Among the directors with whom she has worked are Manoel de Oliveira, João César Monteiro, João Canijo, João Botelho, Raoul Ruiz, Teresa Villaverde, Paulo Rocha, Catarina Ruivo, Miguel Gomes and Marco Martins. Since 2006 she has been working as a full-time producer and managing director at C.R.I.M. with a special focus on fiction features.

جي لاءِ ownاتل: Production


ڄم جي تاريخ: Lisbon, Portugal

پڻ سڃاتو وڃي ٿو:

Joana Ferreira