Mohamed Gamal Al Adl

Mohamed graduated from (the directing division of the Institute of Cinema) in 2008. He has so far worked as a directing assistant in the production of five cinematic productions and six television series. Among the (best known) directors that he has worked with are Edrees and Gamal Abd Al Hamid, Magdy Abo Umaira and the Syrian director Mohamed Azizah. The (judges) at the (Alexandria International Film Festival) award him a prize for “Dastour ya Sayyidah”.

جي لاءِ ownاتل: Directing


ڄم جي تاريخ: Egypt

پڻ سڃاتو وڃي ٿو: Mohamed Gamal Al Adl, محمد جمال العدل

Mohamed Gamal Al Adl