Giti Forouhar

Giti Forouhar, also known by her maiden name Fatima Hossein Mullah, was an actress who was brought into the world of theatre and cinema by her husband, Jahangir Forouhar, who she later divorced. She started with live theatre at the Isfahan Theater before starting films with her role in "Four Demons" directed by Hossein Madani. She ended her career with "Jahan Pahlevan Takhti" and died in 1998, at the age of 72.

جي لاءِ ownاتل: Acting


ڄم جي تاريخ: Isfahan, Iran

پڻ سڃاتو وڃي ٿو: گيتی فروهر, Geeti Forouhar, فاطمه حسین‌ملا

Giti Forouhar