Somchai Asanajinda

Somchai Asanajinda, mostly known as Sor Asanajinda, was a famous Thai film director (he has directed more than 70 movies) and also a famous Thai actor (he has played in more than 80 movies). He was also a writer and journalist. Following the uprising of October 14 1973, commercial filmmakers like Sor Asanajinda put anti-dictatorship messages in his action movies. He was named a National Artist of Thailand in year 1990.

جي لاءِ ownاتل: Acting

سالگراه: 1921-11-16

ڄم جي تاريخ: Bangkok, Thailand

پڻ سڃاتو وڃي ٿو: สมชาย อาสนจินดา, ส. อาสนจินดา, Sor Asanajinda, So Asanachinda

Somchai Asanajinda